
You can use a few enticing words and flaunt your capabilities that will attract future clients and encourage them to hire you right away.

What the critics Say About Goutam Halder

The performances in general and specially of Meghnad Badh Kabya, have been staged in all major National Theatre Festivals, in London, Edinburgh, Goteborg, New York and about half a dozen States in the US. This performance alone earned Goutam Halder encomium from the public and the connoisseurs alike; excited poets like Sankha Ghosh and Jai Goswami to write on him; inspired Donald Macechine (an associate of Sir Lawrence Olivier) to compare in The Statesman Goutam’s movements with Nijinsky’s and Professor Kamlakar Sontakke to describe him as the best of young Indian Theatre.

Joy Goswami
Sankha Ghosh

Goutam Halder has created a long lasting impression in the mind of everyone with his talent in acting, direction as well as musical composition. One has to watch in amazement how with the help of his strong acting skills he can simultaneously portray different characters in a play as well as can shift to the role of the narrator outside the play with elan. Here’s wishing him plenty of greetings. Wishing for a brighter theatrical future of Goutam as well as his group ” Naye Natua”

Ashok Mukhopadhyay
Professor (English) Eminent Theatre Personality of India from Bengal

Goutam Halder is an actor par excellence.He has been one of the very best performers on the Bengali stage for the last three decades.Goutam came into the limelight with a stunning performance in the Nandikar play” Shesh Shakshatkar” (1988 ) and has remained indefatigably brilliant even in 2019 in plays like “Moymonsing Geetika” or “Mirjaffar” in the intervening years he has enriched the regional as well as the national theatre scene with one performance after another with dizzying heights as an acror.

Goutam is immensely gifted with accessory qualities needed in the craft of acting. He has a very nimble physique with supple and fluid movements and has great control over the muscles of the body. He exhibits a wide range of voice levels and commands the power of modulating them them deftly and fluently. Goutam is a trained dancer with easy access to different dance traditions – both Indian and Western. He has a superb singing voice and sings on stage with ease and grace. With all these attributes as an actor at his command , he is an astonishing package of stage-performance . No wonder, he mesmerizes the audience all the world over whenever he gets going on stage.

Goutam Halder is a complete theatre person. He combines acting talent with directorial capability and has gained recognition as a theatre producer. Under his able stewardship the theatre groupe “Naye Natua” is thriving with every venture. Goutam looks after every aspect of the groupe’s activities with infinite zeal as he knows the importance of theatre organisation in sustaining theatre creativity.

I wish Goutam and his groupe all kinds of success in all their enterprises in future. Even at this age of mine I hope for a theatric collaboration with this brilliant artiste I admire – Goutam Halder.o

Ashok Mukhopadhyay
Professor (English) Eminent Theatre Personality of India from Bengal
I am an atheist,yet I, too, seek solace and refuge, want to experience epiphany. I seek it through art. I inherited my love for theatre because I couldn’t help it,it’s in my blood.My eternal regret has been that I couldn’t witness Awjitesh Bandyopadhyay on stage,having heard innumerable accounts of how he could create a new reality on stage and invade the consciousness of the audience and become a part of it.But then Goutam Halder happened, or rather ,exploded into the Bengali theatre scene. An actor who with protean plasticity could morph himself to any character he portrayed, access a transcendental realm.I remember his powerhouse performances in Naandikaar’s Shesh Shakhkhatkar ,Pheriolaar Mrittu and Gotroheen,not to forget Meghnaadbawdh Kaabbo ,a milestone of Baanglaa theatre.Meghnaadbawdh Kaabbo and Bawrdaa remain living testaments to Goutam’s unique stature as an auteur and an actor.His portrayal of Othello remains etched in my mind,the way he portrayed Othello as an individual and as a representative of a racial minority is an instance of how spontaneous yet thoughtful his performances are,how nuanced and subtly calibrated! He travels the arc of suffering and that of creating and thus accesses a sacred subliminal realm and we become witnesses and fellow travellers in this journey. Let the journey continue.
Moneeshaa Mukhopadhyay

Rustic charm: Nakshi Kanthar Math

Goutam Halder loves to look back. A few years after he stormed the Bengali proscenium stage with Meghnad Badh Kavya (1995), a Nandikar milestone that combined traditional performing decorum with modern stage sensibilities, he guest-directed Nakshi Kanthar Math (The Field of Embroidered Quilt) for Kalyani Natyacharcha Kendra. With Khaled Chowdhury designing a deceptively simple yet multi-functional stage and Tapas Sen illuminating the harsh reality of rural Bengal, this KNCK production stood out as a model for dramatization of narrative verse marked by stupendous team work, à la Nandikar. Twenty winters after, Halder returns to Nakshi Kanthar Math and once again tries to reorient an indigenous performance tradition like pala gaan for a predominantly urban audience.
Anshuman Bhowmick